Dreamer's India, An Organization For National Innovation and Devolopment, Kottakkal, Malappuram, Kerala-676503 Contact: dreamersindia@gmail.com mob: 09633736322, 09895431317


It is a non-governmental organization for students for national innovation and devolopment.
Its central office located at kottakkal,Malappuram dist,Kerala and northern zonal office located at Delhi.Our members are much intrested in various social issues.Students are controller of the coming generations,so that is the reason to select them as our work fource.

We ensure the participation of students in various issues related to socio-cultural,legal,environmental and political matters.We are persistant the students should not be the preys of corporate educational ideas.We believe that the gathering of such students can only bring effective steps for national innovation and devolopment.This realisation turned us to make
dreamer's India.

The highest authority of the organization is including chairman, general secratary,financial secratary and other 12 executive members is known as Apex Core Committee. All members of the committee are students.